Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Coffee Shop

This week I thought I would talk about this idea I came up with to work on many different goals with the students.  We run a coffee shop out of my classroom. Each day the students will sell items such as, muffins, coffee with different creamers, donuts, tea, bagels with cream cheese, and flavored cakes.  Each morning the students will travel around the building to the different classrooms with a cart full of the items we are selling.  It is a great way for them to talk to everyone in the building.

Some of the goals that the students are working on include money skills, life skills, communication skills, cooking skills, and business skills. Since I have started this coffee shop last year many of the students have not only improved on many of their goals, but a couple of my students have mastered their goals. The students really seem to enjoy running the coffee shop.

This year we are going to work on going shopping to buy the supplies. Usually I am the one that buys the supplies on the weekends, but I am going to work with the students on making a shopping list and finding the items in the grocery store.

What has been great about having a coffee shop run out of the classroom is that we are also raising money for the classroom.  After we go shopping for our coffee shop, we take the remaining money to buy items for tasks for the classroom, crafts, cooking activities, and field trips.

Friday, August 15, 2014

A New School Year

It is hard to believe that we are one week into the new school year. I continue to work at the special education private school, but now I teach middle school. I have 6 students with varying disabilities. This is going to be a fun and challenging year, but I am ready for the challenge.

My goal this with the blog is to post a least once or twice a week and share my experiences in the classroom. I also want to share tasks that I will be making as well classroom ideas that may help others in the classroom.  Fun times are ahead!