Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Independent Work Area

Today I will be talking about my independent work area in my classroom. This area is set up similar to my writing area. Below are numerous images showing this area.

This image shows the entire area. On the left hand side you can see the pocket where the students will match the picture card from their schedule. Once they match their card they will go to the front of the desk and take the numbers and match them to the basket with the same number. They will complete the work and then place the finished work on the finished basket. They will have three numbers to match. Since I only have two students and a total of three shelves, I have a row of baskets for each of the students. When I get more students I will change the work out for each student on the different shelves. Deciding what work goes in the baskets depends on what you are working on with the student. I will usually work one on one with a student working on their IEP goals. The work or tasks I created for the student will go in the baskets. Also the work that should go in the baskets are work the student should already know how to do and should just be a review and not brand new work.  Just for your information, I got the the numbered baskets from IKEA.

To help keep the work organized for the baskets I will use this hanging planter to keep the students work organized by dividing into sections for the students work.

Next to the pocket for the area I also have a clip board for the data forms I use to collect data on the students when they are working. I also post a reminder board for staff reminding them how the independent work station should be run. This area should be run how it sounds independently. The student should not be given any help unless they are struggling with focusing and not working. When this is the case less verbal prompts is better. What usually helps is non-verbal prompts such as pointing to the desk to work or pointing to the basket that they need to work on next. It depends on what the student is struggling with at that time. Once the student is working the teacher or the para-professional should take the data on how the student is working and what they are struggling with.

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